Christmas Message from the MEJOIN Consortium

Dear Readers,

We want to take this opportunity to wish all followers of the MEJOIN project a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. The year 2020 had some interesting and forward-looking things in store for us. First of all, the Corona pandemic meant that many contacts and especially business trips could not occur. Especially our trip to Japan had to be canceled. Also, many events could not take place, which made the spreading of our consortium very difficult.
Nevertheless, 2020 has also shown us how far we have come in the world’s technological development. Many meetings and business trips could be replaced almost equivalently by video calls and digital conferences; digitalization has made another big leap forward due to the urgent need. Artificial intelligence could shine through the applications in pharmacy, nursing robotics, and prediction management.
We would like to expand all these technical achievements as a MEJOIN project together with you and your company in the next year and thus contribute to the future of work.
We wish you, your family and friends, and all patients, hospital staff, and the many volunteers a reflective holiday season, a little rest from the very stressful everyday life, and a good slide into a hopefully more carefree 2021.

Best regards
Your MEJOIN team

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